Management / Company Values


Guido Löber

Chief Executive Officer

jörg kohlmorgen

Chief Financial Officer

Michael Schmitt

Chief Operating Officer


Chief Technology Officer

Our company values

Declaration of values of the executive board


Occupational health and safety and environmental policy

Industrial and plant safety and environmental protection are key issues to ensure our claim as a leading manufacturer of specialty materials.
We promote innovative projects and take account of industrial and environmental protection as well as the prevention of accidents in the education and training of our employees. This primarily includes the awareness of health and safety as well as environmental concerns and the information of our employees.

We maintain an industrial safety and environmental management system for the continuous improvement of our industrial safety and environmental performance.
We have integrated a thorough industrial safety and environmental management in our business strategies to ensure compliance with our industrial safety and environmental guidelines. This includes a safety management system for the prevention of accidents. We consider it completely natural to continually improve our environmental and work performance with measurable targets, to keep minimizing risks, and to exploit available opportunities.

The promotion of the industrial safety and environmental awareness of all employees is part of our corporate culture.
We promote and train the awareness of our employees in terms of environmental protection, industrial and plant safety at all operational levels and provide sufficient personnel resources for the industrial safety and environmental management. All our senior mangers are responsible for the environmental compatibility and industrial safety in their respective sphere of influence. We are committed to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses and actively involve our employees and listen to their feedback.

The compliance with legal obligations is a matter of course for us.
The further training of our employees and the continuous reviewing of current legal requirements ensures legal conformity. We maintain an open dialogue with authorities, interest groups, customers, suppliers and the public.

Declaration on Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection  (PDF) (August 2023)

Quality policy

We want to obtain and keep the confidence and satisfaction of our customers.
The high quality standard of our products and services is a matter of course for us. The monitoring and continuous improvement of customer satisfaction is essential for our company. Therefore, our primary objective is the timely delivery of good quality products to our customers.

Quality is an obligation for all employees at GfE.
At their respective places of work, all employees of the company contribute to the implementation of our quality targets. It is therefore the responsibility of each employee, from trainee through to Managing Director, to meet all the requirements and play their part in ensuring our continuous improvement process (CIP).

It is always cheaper to do things properly right from the start. We set ourselves the goal of zero error and consistently correct errors.
Error prevention has priority over error correction. Errors are deviations from specifications. They increase our costs and reduce our competitiveness. Not only the error itself, but its real cause must be detected and corrected.

The commitment and skills of our employees are GfE's most valuable asset.
The quality of our work and our in-house cooperation are key to our success. Motivated employees in an optimal working environment are essential for the quality of our products. In addition to the promotion of quality consciousness, the planning of the relevant training and further education programmes is therefore a permanent management task.

Quality and efficiency do not contradict each other.
For us, the error-free, economic and environmentally-friendly design of our work is essential for achieving the market-oriented quality of products and services at competitive costs.

Declaration of Intention on Quality Management (PDF) (August 2023)

Energy policy

GfE is committed to the continuous improvement of its energy-related performance.
A large part of the production processes at GfE is highly energy-intensive. Next to the careful handling of resources and the protection of the environment, our endeavours to optimise energy use, reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency therefore always also improve our competitiveness.

GfE is committed to providing the resources required for achieving the company's energy objectives, and it guarantees the availability of all necessary information.
For the introduction, implementation, maintenance and improvement of our energy management as well as the continuous improvement of our energy-related performance, we have appointed a management representative and approved of the formation of an energy team. In order to meet the strategic and operational energy objectives together with this team, we will provide it with all the necessary human, technological and financial resources and information.

GfE is committed to compliance with all applicable legal requirements and other standards regarding energy use, consumption and efficiency met by the organisation.
The compliance with legal obligations is a matter of course for us. Conformity is ensured through continuous verification of current legal requirements.

We support initiatives for the improvement of the energy-related performance.
We actively promote the acquisition of energy-efficient products and services as well as proposals for the improvement of the company's energy efficiency.

Declaration of Intention on Energy Policy (PDF)
(August 2023)

Code of Conduct

The main principles and basic rules of our actions as well as the standards we set ourselves in our dealings with business partners and the public are summarized in the AMG Code of Business Conduct. All of us - employees, Management Board and Supervisory Board - are obliged to comply to the principles laid out in this Code.

AMG Code of Business Conduct
